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55 Northern Boulevard
Great Neck


SAT I, II, ACT, AP, Olympiad, AMC8,10,12, AIME, USAMO, Great Neck, Long Island, New York, After School program 4th to 8th. SSAT, SHSAT test prep, 유학, 뉴욕,롱아일랜드 



What Our Students Have To Say

PJ - "I remember walking into Brown Academy on the first day, not having a clue about how to take the SAT or what the SAT is. Brown Academy gave me a good idea of what SAT is like and taught me many tips on taking the test. They have varieties of comprehensive prep courses for SAT, SAT II, APs and school classes..."


SH- " SAT scores have gone up by at least 200 points. The workers here are very nice, warming, and always willing to help....Brown Academy made me more competitive and made me strive harder for my goals."


LB - "The last program I went to was during middle school, but that program was nothing compared to here. ... Brown Academy taught me how to study and to work hard. Before I came here, I didn't memorize any vocabulary or study for the SAT's.... Another thing really good about Brown Academy is that the teachers here are pretty awesome. A lot of the teachers I have are helpful, nice and funny and they keep me attentive in class… I shall try my best to keep going and to not give up."


AT - I started attending Brown Academy in 9th grade for the Biology SAT II's. Since then I have attended Brown Academy's SAT I, SAT II, and AP Physics classes. Brown Academy has greatly improved my scored in all areas. Everyone at Brown is very dedicated and extremely focused on helping the students. With Brown, I am always greatly prepared in my academic subjects.


KS - "... I have gotten fantastic results. I got a 780 in SAT II: Chemistry, and my grades for the SAT I test has been improving... if you put in the effort, you will get great results. Also, Mrs. Kim genuinely cares and that helps me in many ways."


CB - "Brown Academy is a place of hard work and dedication. The teachers push me to always improve my scores... I appreciate all Brown does for me."


Erica K.- "Brown Academy is great for all students. The teachers push kids to do practice tests, but it’s worth it. Everyday, I realize that my test scores have improved. Brown really helps me improve my level of intelligence."


James - "Brown Academy is a great place to send your kids. Brown Academy is for students from elementary school to high school."


Jay - "Brown Academy has helped me improve my math and English. I really enjoy going to Brown every day... It is a great academy for me to improve and I have fun everyday. I feel that Brown will help me through out middle school. The teachers work hard to teach me, and their dedication really shows."

Paul K.- "I think Brown Academy is a great place to go to in the summer. If you need help or extra practice in a subject, Brown will not only help you, but will help you become the top of your class. I know this because I used to do poorly in class, but now I am in honors classes. Brown also has many teachers, and tutors that are very dedicated to working towards the student’s success. If I were to rate Brown Academy out of 10, it would be 11. I was not paid to say this, I swear."


Stella P.- "Brown Academy is an amazing place. Book club is my favorite part of Brown Academy because I get to read with my friends. I made a lot of new friends that will go to my middle school!"


Gina - "Brown Academy helps students with their academic skills and helps raise students’ grades in many areas. Brown Academy separates students based on their abilities, and this allows me to be in the class with other students in my level. By going to Brown Academy, I improved my grades for SAT II and my GPA."


Amy - "Brown is such a wonderful place for studying. Surprisingly, I feel that my English skills are improving a lot... as I attended Brown, I saw my SAT score increase in just a few weeks. I was disappointed by the SAT score I received before attending Brown, but now I am confident."


Donghyun - "I’ve studied for the SAT I and SAT II: Biology at Brown Academy. Compared to the other academies that I have attended, Brown Academy is more effective. My scores have improved consistently, and I have always had the support of enthusiastic teachers. Brown Academy makes sure that each student learns necessary strategies for studying. Mr. and Mrs. Kim devote their lives for Brown Academy and I am very thankful for that."